Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Roommate

So, I have realized that I have the best roommate in the world.

Kelly was my best friend at the beginning of high school. We skipped Environmental Science together, played softball together, rode to school ate McDonald's.... all sorts of things. Over the summer, I found out that I had no where to stay at college. The Department of Residential Living called me and said "Hey, you're going to have to find alternative housing because we can not place you in a room at this time." And even though Kelly hadn't talked seriously in almost a year, I called her and she was at my house helping me look for apartments within the hour. When Residential Living found out they had made a mistake, Kelly went through hell to make sure that we roomed together.

Living with someone in such close quarters isn't easy. In a dorm, if you don't organize things EVERYDAY it gets a little crazy. It also gets crazy when you have different opinions. A lot of kids come to school having never shared a bedroom with someone. It isn't easy for sure. Of course Kelly and I have never had a problem with the "things" in our rooms... she can go through whatever she wants... but we have had problems with being on top of each other.

I can't say that her and I don't disagree. I have a really good sense of smell. I smell everything. I can smell cigarette smoke on anyone almost immediately. Most people on my hall know that I went crazy over some kind of smell in mine and Kelly's room. It was a sweet, festered smell like rotten fruit. For a little while, Kelly humored me. She helped me scrub the floor on hands and knees twice before she gave up and left. I was in tears multiple times over the smell. It made me so sick. Eventually she gave up and told people I'd gone crazy when they asked.... which wasn't really untrue.

And I gave away her fish without asking her. I just gave it away.... So, I guess we're even.

So even when there have been problems, like when the girl posted things on my blog or when my coworker attacked me on FaceBook, she stood up for me. And I realized how well I actually know her. I also know that if I ever need anything she'd help me.

I regret anything I've ever said about her. She really is my best friend.

Advice on Getting Along With a Roommate
1. if you don't want your stuff touched, tell them... simple
2. if you have certain study times set out, make sure they are known
3. make similar schedules if possible. Things worked out really well when Kelly and I had to get up at the same time
4. if you have a problem, don't let frustration build up
5. if there are certain health issues you have, tell your roommate. It will build a relationship and they will know to watch out for signs and symptoms if you need help
6. be thoughtful... basically, try to be their friend... by the way, I threw Kelly her 1st birthday party! I'm so nice ;)
7. if you don't get along, have a business relationship. don't make things too personal. It's a big campus and you can make plenty of friends elsewhere.
8. if a business relationship doesn't work, move out. chances are, there is someone out there with the same problems whose also looking to move out.

I've not quite figured out this whole roommate thing either but I know I'm going to miss Kelly after this semester. Sometimes in life, there has to be a whole lot of bad before you find something great.

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