Sunday, January 8, 2012

Invisible Readers?!

So for the past couple of weeks people have been telling me, "hey, I read this on your blog. That was really funny!" or "hang in there Deanna. College can't be that bad." One invisible reader I don’t know well made a reference to my blog and that one REALLY surprised me. Today I found out that the girls in the office of Save More incorporated read my blogs! I thought no one but my mommy read my blogs. Lol.

It makes me sooooo happy. I love to write. And sometimes, having an audience to read and enjoy what you’ve written is the best feeling in the world. I’d like to think I have a new perspective on things and writing is the best way for me to spell it all out.

So this is a thank you to all the readers I didn’t know I had… but seriously, you should follow my blog. The more followers I have, the higher up on Google search I go!


  1. I've read them all!!!! I think, sometimes, that my comments get lost in "internet land," but I DO read them and I try to comment when I can!!! Keep writing, girl!!!!

  2. Oh thank you Mrs. Watson! And I've not gotten any comments but that's okay :)
